Month / October 2003

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  • Time for a change

    It’s starting to get dark at 5 pm but that doesn’t mean things have slowed down.  A new artcodes design is underway and will launch soon.  Multiple web and digital projects are…

  • Digital Ritual

    In a new effort to refocus on some personal work (vs. professional work, which I love, but it’s been an eight month, seventy hour a week obsession), I’ve decided to mark the…

  • Accelerate

    Video/audio representation of my brain the last few months. (Quicktime, 1.4 MB)

  • Interview with Zeldman

    In this society, we are bombarded by other people’s creativity from the moment we wake up. Radio, billboards, the way this year’s cars are designed, the way the street grid works in…

  • Gum

  • Megabyte

  • Where have I been?

    Working online every waking hour.  Literally, from when I wake to when I go to bed.  I’m not gone, just busy.  Before I was busy, I was traveling.  But I’ll be back……