Year / 2004

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  • Blue Sky Tower

  • Red Gel

  • Chicago, then Cambridge

    In Chicago for partner meetings with the gang.  Will be good to see everyone FTF.  Then, it’s off to Cambridge for the pitch at MIT with VSM.

  • In Boston

    Haven’t been to Boston since I was a kid on family vacation.  People always say great things about Boston but it doesn’t hold much fascination for me, not sure why.  Zipping over…

  • Summer dusk in Ithaca

    Skies outside the balcony after kayaking in Lake Cayuga.

  • Passage

  • Night Poem

    A night poem for my mom.

  • ePunk

  • Limestone Buildings

    One of the views of the limestone buildings from my 14th floor room at the Crowne Plaza on K St and 14th.  I’m here in Washington DC to speak at a…

  • Speaking at CASE

    Going to be in Washington D.C. for the next few days, speaking about “Best practices in web design” at the CASE conference. Say hello if you’re there!

  • R+H Fieldbooks

    I’m always on the look-out for cool notebooks.  Found these nice field books from russell + hazel.

  • Around the world

    My travels so far… World travel by country (18 countries, 8% of the world) By U.S. state (26 states, 50%) By Canadian province (3 provinces, 23%) By European country (2 countries, 3%)…

  • SXSW 2004

    SXSW interactive festival, March 12-16, 2004, Austin, TX. Not only was it great to have my site, ADD, as a finalist in the SXSW Interactive Awards, I thoroughly enjoyed the conference, in…

  • Hack This (Please)

    In Hack This (Please), Andy Kessler writes about the benefits of true hacks (“clever solutions to an interesting problem) and the “new breed of users out there, computer-literate consumers who don’t think…

  • Clouds over Virginia

    On a flight from Roanoke, Virginia.  As the plane broke through the clouds, we finally saw the sun.

  • humanblog

    #hello world# Bought today for a new project, a community moblog of portraits (of oneself and others).  Coming soon!

  • Back home, temporarily

  • Exhibition Compostela

    5th March – 30th May, 2004 Centro Galego de Art Contemporanea (CGAC) Rua Ramon del Valle Inclan, s/n 15704 Santiago de Compostela Spain “Compostela is an exhibition which has been organized around…

  • Flickr

    “Flickr, now in public beta, is a real-time media-sharing playspace, where you can share photos with friends and family live and online, and create your own groups.”

  • Generic hotel

    Philadelphia airport hotel.

  • Checking your designs for the color blind

    Vischeck is a site that shows you what things look like to someone who is color blind. You can try Vischeck online, run Vischeck on your own image files, or run Vischeck…

  • NYC photobloggers

    Photography exhibit of NYC photobloggers at the Apple Soho store.

  • Flat iron building, Toronto

    Completed in 1892 and also known as the Gooderham Building, the Flat Iron building stands at Front and Wellington Streets.  The Romanesque and Gothic style is a stark contrast to the skyscrapers…

  • Cadence

    It doesn’t take long to feel the city’s rhythm.  Shot in Toronto.

  • Le Citipark, Toronto

    The side entrance to Le Royal Meridian King Edward rising behind a citipark sign.

  • Zoom Toronto

    Always speeding around Toronto hearing electronica in the car, the clothing stores, restaurants and cafes; the beat thumping beneath it all.

  • Subliminal day

    A poem for TO.

  • Winter sky in Ithaca

  • ADD is a weblog finalist in SXSW!

    Honored to find out that ADD has been chosen as a finalist in the weblog category for SXSW 2004! Can’t wait to go to the event in March.

  • It’s an electrolumniscent world after all

    I’m a nut for anything illuminated (eg. my sculptures circa 1999) so this is definitely something I can relate to… “Illuminated Handbags. Ladies, suppose that your handbag featured a “cool, gentle light”…