Ideacodes is Born

Sometimes the least likely event turns out to be a blessing in disguise.  That’s how I’ve been feeling lately.  I’m no longer working for the marketing consulting company for higher education where I’ve been for over two years.  While everything was a surprise to me when it happened, in retrospect, I had already felt the shift months ago, and should have believed my own instincts.

If you’re in a position or with a company and feeling that everything is not as it seems, and the people that you work with are not what they say, believe in yourself.  I’ve always been a team player, but I’ve also been driven by the need to innovate, to be immersed in the web, and to collaborate to create new solutions. Take the plunge.  Start your own enterprise.  Nothing has ever felt so right.

After nine years in the industry, as freelancers, employees, and consultants of other people’s companies, Max and I have started our own strategic web design company.  Visit to see what we’re all about.