Tag / digitallife

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  • Wiki from Adaptive Path’s Ajax User Experience Week

    If you’re interested in gaining further insight into the many facets of Ajax (see my post about Ajax from Feb 05), there’s a wiki with conference notes and perspective from Adaptive Path‘s…

  • Digital Ritual

    In a new effort to refocus on some personal work (vs. professional work, which I love, but it’s been an eight month, seventy hour a week obsession), I’ve decided to mark the…

  • Everybody’s doing it

    A recent survey conducted by The Economist Intelligence Unit on behalf of AT&T predicts that four out of five companies will use remote workers by 2005, compared with only 56% today. The…

  • Future: Is there life after the browser?

    One of the disadvantages of the browser is that there aren’t very good ways of organizing information,” Meyrowitz (president of Macromedia Products) said. “Bookmarks just don’t do the whole job. There’s no…

  • Collage

    My desktop with stills from www.colette.fr composited against iChat and a desktop picture of Bjork in a space bubble.  One of those wonderful web surfing days, full of pixels and unexpected translucent…

  • Debugging

    I’ve been looking for a particular set of errors that exists in this open source code for the last couple of hours.  In order to do so, I’ve gone through every config…