Tag / peace

  • Peace posters and photos

    Copyright-free posters by designers anotherposterforpeace.com Protest photos from the Peace March and Rally, SF changemedia.org

  • Virtual March on Washington Headquarters

    “On February 26th, every Senate office will receive a call every minute from a constituent, as they receive a simultaneous flood of faxes and e-mail. Hundreds of thousands of people from across…

  • Your pictures of the anti-war demonstrations

    The BBC is asking you to submit your protest pictures from around the world.  They already have hundreds of photos that you can view… BBC link

  • Antiwar

    Hundreds of thousands staged antiwar rallies around the world Saturday.  This photo is from Reuters: “About 150 medical practitioners gathered outside the Australian embassy in Jakarta to protest.” Continue to protest the…

  • It’s Our World

    Don’t let this war happen.

  • Oxfam Takes Strong Stand on Iraq

    Concern expressed about human costs of attack. “In a series of meetings with leading members of the State Department, Pentagon, and US Agency for International Development, Oxfam has hammered home its concern…

  • An Alternative to War

    Statement by Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter: An Alternative to War ATLANTA, Jan. 31 (AScribe Newswire)—Despite marshalling powerful armed forces in the Persian Gulf region and a virtual declaration of war in…