Tag / politics

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  • Obama’s Inauguration

  • Adios

  • Obama Commemorative Sticker from MoveOn

  • Obama Accepts DNC Nomination

  • Obama Mobile

  • Rumsfeld Resignation

    Summarized in a Mac OSX screenshot… Via Boing Boing

  • A Good Day for America

    The Democrats finally make the move to regain power and I couldn’t be more excited.  My parents live in Northen Virginia so it was a victory on many levels.  San Francisco’s Nancy…

  • Risk Society

    1) On Bush’s plan to turn America into an ownership society at the New Yorker. “The ownership society promises freedom, but at the price of a huge shift in risk, away from…

  • So Blue

    The BBC has a map that shows red and blue states from past elections dating back to 1948 (click on the tab “Past Elections”).  Now how do we get the map to…

  • 19th Amendment

    Couldn’t wait to get my vote in, so I voted early today at city hall.  Hope you have or will tomorrow!

  • Creative minds at work

    I ran out of time to do a 30 second commercial for the moveon.org contest, but over 1000 other people managed to squeeze it in!  I can’t wait to watch these over…

  • Streams and Wetlands at Risk

    The Bush administration is considering eliminating Clean Water Act protection for small streams and wetlands that appear isolated from rivers or lakes. Already the administration has issued guidance that eliminates federal protection…

  • Brand USA

    TORONTO – When the White House decided it was time to address the rising tides of anti-Americanism around the world, it didn’t look to a career diplomat for help. Instead, in keeping…

  • Virtual March on Washington Headquarters

    “On February 26th, every Senate office will receive a call every minute from a constituent, as they receive a simultaneous flood of faxes and e-mail. Hundreds of thousands of people from across…