Tag / soup

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  • Nov 23, 2019 @ 19:30

    Celebrating turmeric and cauliflower soup with shiitake mushrooms, micro kale and crushed pistachios. Soup by @maxkiesler

  • Nov 13, 2019 @ 19:35

    Fresh peas swimming with leeks by @maxkiesler

  • Nov 08, 2019 @ 17:38

    Portuguese potato and cilantro soup by @maxkiesler

  • Nov 07, 2019 @ 19:25

    Blended red kidney bean soup with cilantro and peppers by @maxkiesler

  • Oct 31, 2019 @ 19:35

    Moroccan carrot soup with chermoula by @maxkiesler

  • Oct 21, 2019 @ 20:35

    Escarole, leek and Bibb lettuce green soup by @maxkiesler

  • Oct 15, 2019 @ 17:52

    Caramelized fennel and chickpea soup with saffron by @maxkiesler