Year / 2007

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  • Apple Store, Stockton St

  • Twitter

    The early days of Twitter.

  • Gear

  • Business 2.0

    Meeting with Josh Quittner and Owen Thomas to discuss a new project.

  • One California Street

    Meeting with a new client.

  • Flickr Turns 3

    It’s hard to believe Flickr has only been around for a few years. It seems like I’ve been using it much, much longer than three years. That’s testament to its lure, success,…

  • Modern Tea

  • Drama

  • Waiting for the parade

  • Cab Shots

  • Adaptive Path Party

  • Thoughtful Reduction and the Miniaturization of Expression

    As I was designing for a client web application today, I kept living through John Maeda’s first law of simplicity: thoughtful reduction. The goal was to design a new comments system for…

  • Comfort Food

  • My OS Doesn’t Work Like My Mind

    I’m still thinking about simplicity/minimalism vs. experiential and emotional experiences. If memory is strongly attributed to adrenaline, then shouldn’t we design for optimal emotional attachment? Or, do we design so it’s “so…

  • Ideacodes to Redesign BlogHer

    Ideacodes has been working with BlogHer, the leading destination online for women’s opinions and activities, to redesign and enhance the user experience of the site.  As the only women’s blog network, BlogHer…

  • Sticker on 4th

  • Lift

  • GigaOM Design Changes

    Ideacodes and GigaOM, the leading tech blog network founded by our client and friend, Om Malik, have launched a redesign based on feedback solicited in December 2006.  As Om writes, “We made…

  • Think Small

    “Matthew Adams outside his 120-square-foot house by Modern Cabana on his 160 acres near Red Bluff, Calif. He wanted a well-designed dwelling that would have the least effect on his land.” Minimalism…

  • My Data Stream

    After a year and a half of using social applications heavily, I recently had to revisit the plan to aggregate all my activity into one data stream. As the calendar rolled to…

  • Mission and 4th

  • Veg

  • At Adaptive Path

  • Book Checkout

    Old school book checkout at Adaptive Path.

  • Night Fog

  • Love 2.0

  • PicoLED

    Kyoto-based electronic component creator, Rohm, announced today that the world’s smallest LED, the PicoLED will go into mass production in April. [Via FujiSankei Business if you can read Japanese] I am now…

  • Ideacodes will be at SXSW Interactive

    Ideacodes co-founders, Emily Chang and Max Kiesler will be at the SXSW Interactive Conference coming up March 9-13, 2007.  Emily was invited by Tom Markiewicz, CEO of EvolvePoint, to be part of…

  • Self-Sousveillance

    I came across this post while looking for information on attention recording and one of the paragraphs regarding self-documentary really resonated with me. Greg Yardley writes: I’m also running the Attention Recorder…

  • SXSW Interactive Panel

    A few months ago I was asked by Tom Markiewicz, CEO of EvolvePoint, to be on a panel about “Using RSS for Marketing” for the SXSW Interactive Conference coming up March 9-13…