Category / Bookmarks

  • Matrix Reloaded

    So much anticipation, but as expected, the first one was better.

  • Ambient Orb

    For years I’ve been fascinated with those space age glowing green nightlights.  I’ve had two plugged into my wall for over five years now.  (They also only use 1/100th of the power…

  • Future: Is there life after the browser?

    One of the disadvantages of the browser is that there aren’t very good ways of organizing information,” Meyrowitz (president of Macromedia Products) said. “Bookmarks just don’t do the whole job. There’s no…

  • Streaming to capturing

    If you listen to streaming music as much as I do, you’ll enjoy this piece on recording streaming audio by Mark Twain of TechTV.

  • Peace posters and photos

    Copyright-free posters by designers Protest photos from the Peace March and Rally, SF

  • Brand USA

    TORONTO – When the White House decided it was time to address the rising tides of anti-Americanism around the world, it didn’t look to a career diplomat for help. Instead, in keeping…

  • Revamped Macromedia site irks customers

    A redesign of software maker Macromedia’s main Web site is attracting criticism from customers because it doesn’t work with some browsers, including Apple Computer’s much-hyped Safari. Full story at CNET

  • Why curate art?

    I like this paragraph from an interview with art critic, curator, teacher and theorist, Dave Hickey. The simplest way that I can explain it is to say that criticism is a consumer…

  • Virtual March on Washington Headquarters

    “On February 26th, every Senate office will receive a call every minute from a constituent, as they receive a simultaneous flood of faxes and e-mail. Hundreds of thousands of people from across…

  • Your pictures of the anti-war demonstrations

    The BBC is asking you to submit your protest pictures from around the world.  They already have hundreds of photos that you can view… BBC link

  • Google Buys Pyra: Blogging Goes Big-Time

    Pyra is the company co-founded by Meg Hourihan and Evan Williams, the creators of Blogger.  “The buyout is a huge boost to an enormously diverse genre of online publishing that has begun…

  • Antiwar

    Hundreds of thousands staged antiwar rallies around the world Saturday.  This photo is from Reuters: “About 150 medical practitioners gathered outside the Australian embassy in Jakarta to protest.” Continue to protest the…

  • Nanofestival

    Nanofestival v.01 is a international, no-budget, on-line art festival for extreme short (!max. 10 sec.!) web movies and software art.  The event is organized by ZEROGLAB, an independent digital art-lab in Rotterdam.…

  • Oxfam Takes Strong Stand on Iraq

    Concern expressed about human costs of attack. “In a series of meetings with leading members of the State Department, Pentagon, and US Agency for International Development, Oxfam has hammered home its concern…

  • Columbia lost

    News of today’s shuttle tragedy suspended time.

  • Meomi

    Vicky Wong’s latest incarnation.  I admire her level of detail.  Also spend some time playing the games and exploring…there’s more than meets the eye and some very inventive uses of small gestures.…

  • Why Good Content Must Suck

    This would have been an interesting two hours… Why Good Content Must Suck: Designing for the Scent of Information Jared Spool from User Interface Engineering If you have thousands of pages of…

  • Taste of Lemon icons

    These are delicious.  From

  • Pixelpalooza

    Accepting entries for Pixelpalooza at Icon Factory from now until midnight March 31st, 2003. Pixelpalooza is an annual forum for all icon artists (iconists, as we like to call them) to strut…

  • Naqoyqatsi, playing at Cornell Cinema

    I’ve been waiting to see this, having missed the NYC premiere. Naqoyqatsi, Hopi for “war as a way of life”, concludes Godfrey Reggio’s meditative trilogy on the plight of nature in a…

  • An Alternative to War

    Statement by Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter: An Alternative to War ATLANTA, Jan. 31 (AScribe Newswire)—Despite marshalling powerful armed forces in the Persian Gulf region and a virtual declaration of war in…

  • HTML’s Time is Over. Let’s Move On.

    Ultimately, I don’t see a long term future for HTML as an application development solution. It is a misapplied tool that was never meant to be used for anything other than distributed…

  • Invention isn’t magic: it’s mess and mistakes

    Celebrated inventor Dean Kamen (best known recently for his creation of the Segway Human Transporter, a personal transportation gyroscopic scooter) says there’s no magic in invention, just mess: “It’s not some fundamental…

  • In the end, it’s all about relationships

    Don Tapscott, business consultant and author of “Digital Capital: Harnessing the Power of Business Webs,” says that it’s a mistake to discount the power of the Internet based on the bursting of…

  • Wikipedia

    I just came across the wikipedia and I’m completely hooked. Wikipedia is a multilingual project to create a complete and accurate open content encyclopedia. We started on 15 January 2001 and are…

  • The Rashid Brothers

    I discovered today that the work of two “designers” whose work I greatly admire are actually brothers.  Industrial designer, Karim Rashid, and Hani Rashid of Asymptote architecture. “Karim Rashid answers… what are…

  • William Gibson Blogs

    Get inside the mind of William Gibson on a daily basis.

  • For the People, By the People…

    Came across the Public Internet Project website.  Non-profit organisation that seeks to promote 802.11b WiFi access to diverse communities.  They conducted extensive research in Manhattan, beginning with the task of driving “every…

  • Putrajaya

    Really interesting to see how Malaysia is evolving from when I lived there in the nineties. Malaysia is building a 21st century city from scratch with natural environmental and digital vision. Malaysia…