iPhone 2.0.1
The new update came out earlier today. I tweeted it, but I’ve been busy with work all day and night. I’m just getting to updating my phone now. If you’ve updated, have…
August 5, 2008 -
Female Bloggers
I wanted to take a moment and thank the following bloggers and sites for including me in their recent lists of top/favorite female bloggers. I don’t tend to pay the most attention…
August 2, 2008 -
On the Go
I’ve been tweaking the design of my site behind the scenes for the last few weeks and made the changes live tonight. Of course, there will be continuous tweaks, but I feel…
August 2, 2008 -
Emily Chang Cited Among The 50 Most Influential Individuals in Silicon Valley
Emily Chang, designer and co-founder of Ideacodes, has been included in NowPublic’s 50 Most Influential Individuals in Silicon Valley/San Francisco. “The Index is a detailed (and transparent) barometer of who’s voices are…
July 30, 2008 -
Free Trial for Paid iPhone Apps
I twittered, “shouldn’t there be a free trial period for paid iphone apps?” Twitter stream response:
July 16, 2008 -
iPhone 2.0
Couldn’t wait to update to 2.0 so I found it and installed iPhone1,2_2.0_5A347_Restore.ipsw the night before the official release :)
July 11, 2008 -
Waikiki Tweetup
Max and I had a chance to meet up with a bunch of our Twitter/Flickr friends in Hawaii as well as meeting a bunch of other local geeks. Great time.
July 3, 2008 -
Ideacodes and the.colis Web Startup Competition
Ideacodes co-founder, Emily Chang, has been invited to be on the jury for TWS2008 (the.colis Web Startup), Israel’s office dot com competition, presenting the most promising Israeli web startups of the year.…
June 24, 2008