
Explorations in digital culture, design and creativity / 1999-2024
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  • Soho, NYC

  • Net not affected

    Write Robert MacMillan of the Washington Post, “no refrigeration, no subways, no smooth traffic flow, no air conditioning—well, at least the Internet worked. So did the phones, at least in theory. That…

  • Night lights

  • Blackout Blog

    Power is back up in Ithaca, NY.  Check this link for blackout coverage on the web.  Yesterday, our power cut out at 4:11 pm like many on the east coast.  I was…

  • Subway, NYC

    Taken on on Lexington Ave.

  • Audio-on-demand service for cellphones

    RealNetworks and Sprint will announce today that they’ve teamed up on a digital audio service that will offer content from ABC News, Fox Sports, National Public Radio and others. The service, which…

  • Personalized searches

    Kaltix, a Web search venture formed by three members of Stanford University’s PageRank team, is bent on out-Googling Google by developing a speedier version of the Stanford PageRank algorithm and using it…

  • Pool-side

  • The Accelerating Rate of Change

    Futurist Ray Kurzweill says that “the whole 20th century, because we’ve been speeding up to this point, is equivalent to 20 years of progress at today’s rate of progress, and we’ll make…

  • I heart NYC

    Driving to New York tomorrow morning for Z’s interview.  Looking forward to seeing E and A and staying at the W New York on Lexington.  Planning to have dinner at a little…

  • Is erosion helping Himalayas to grow?

    Are erosion and tectonics combining to cause the edge of Tibet to slide away, geologically speaking, from the main body of Tibet? Peter Zeitler and Anne Meltzer, professors of earth and environmental…

  • Summer leaves, accented

  • XHTML 1.0

    Welcome to version 3!  It’s been a long time coming but when it came down to it, it only took me the night to cut this site over with a new…

  • Opera browser gaining users

    The Opera web browser has been downloaded 10 million times already this year and is “showing growing signs of use despite Microsoft’s continued dominance,” says this piece. The Norwegian company behind Opera…

  • Why iTunes has bands on the run

    Explores a growing split in how musicians and their fans view online digital music services. Some bands say fans downloading only a song or two dilutes the artistry they put into creating…

  • Middlebury, VT

    Heading to Vermont again, this time to Middlebury.  Driving up to meet M in Woodstock and on to Burlington for an early check-in at the hotel.  Picking up V at the airport…

  • Lime Bedroom

    Bedroom makeover.

  • Mood type

    Mood Letters. Why cast typefaces in “immutable metal” when digital offers so much more possibility? Such was the attitude brought by Erik van Blokland and Just van Rossum of the Dutch design…

  • Alger Island, NY

    Kayak getaway in the Central Adirondacks near Inlet, NY. (Flash stream, 5 mb) We’ve always been obsessed with the High Peaks area of the Adirondacks and have hiked/climbed/bushwacked our way up 22…

  • Everybody’s doing it

    A recent survey conducted by The Economist Intelligence Unit on behalf of AT&T predicts that four out of five companies will use remote workers by 2005, compared with only 56% today. The…

  • Parasite Paradise

    Experimental constructions forming a village in the city From 1 August up to and including 28 September 2003, Leidsche Rijn in Utrecht will be the scene for the outdoor manifestation Parasite Paradise.…

  • Geek Chorus

    Students with laptops and wireless connections are opening up “back-channel” discussions during classroom lectures, according to a New York Times article by Lisa Guernsey. While the lecturer is up there lecturing, clusters…

  • OS 10.3

    I can’t wait to use the feature “instantly see all windows.” Here’s a small demo of Expose for OS 10.3 (aka Panther).

  • Film persona(lity)

    WARHOLIAN IDOL. “The great stars,” said Andy Warhol, “are the ones who are doing something you can watch every second, even if it’s just a movement inside their eyes,” as reported by…

  • Heading south

    Giving a design workshop on best practices with at Mizzou.  I wonder if there’s any tofu there?

  • Summer solstice

  • Back to Vermont

    Haven’t been to Vermont since 1999 so I’m especially looking forward to driving through the rolling Green mountain landscape again.  Heading up to Woodstock to work with M and then to Hanover,…

  • In ‘Green’ Packaging, Corn Replaces Petroleum

    Wild Oats Markets Inc. became the first grocery store in the United States to roll out a new type of “green” packaging which looks like plastic but turns into compost after disposal……

  • Black forest weekend

    Heading to my parent’s in northern VA for a combined celebration family weekend (father’s day, mom’s birthday, eric’s belated).

  • Listening Post

    Exhibited at the Whitney Museum from Dec 17, 2002-March 9, 2003, this installation by Mark Hansen and Ben Rubin takes the virtual buzz of the internet and makes it real. “Listening Post…