Tag / internet

  • Keep the Internet neutral, fair and free

    Most Americans believe that if you play fair and work hard, you’ll get ahead. But this notion is threatened by legislation passed Thursday night by the U.S. House of Representatives that would…

  • Happy 10 Years

    It’s hard to believe it’s already been 10 years for the commercial web!  All you kids out there (that’s all of you 13 year olds that are signing up for livejournal at…

  • Net not affected

    Write Robert MacMillan of the Washington Post, “no refrigeration, no subways, no smooth traffic flow, no air conditioning—well, at least the Internet worked. So did the phones, at least in theory. That…

  • Listening Post

    Exhibited at the Whitney Museum from Dec 17, 2002-March 9, 2003, this installation by Mark Hansen and Ben Rubin takes the virtual buzz of the internet and makes it real. “Listening Post…

  • For the People, By the People…

    Came across the Public Internet Project website.  Non-profit organisation that seeks to promote 802.11b WiFi access to diverse communities.  They conducted extensive research in Manhattan, beginning with the task of driving “every…