Tag / process

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  • Hitchcock: Mobile Storyboarding for iPhone

    [vimeo]http://vimeo.com/6030115[/vimeo] I posted Hitchcock to eHub last night and it’s been on my mind today. Hitchcock is the world’s first mobile story boarding application. With Hitchcock you can have your first story…

  • Capturing the Flow of Design

    The best way to present or analyze a design would be to record the desktop of an entire design cycle so that people (users, clients, developers, customers, etc.) can see the entire…

  • Designing Thinking

    As a design-focused firm, I’m encouraged by the recent emphasis on business adopting more strategic design thinking and process techniques.  I’m familiar with the same sources and I like how the author,…

  • Don’t just make it pretty, make it strategic

    Since I started designing websites for universities and colleges in 1996, I’ve had numerous conversations about design, both with those on the inside (administrators, marketing communications directors, admissions counselors, information technology teams,…

  • Invention isn’t magic: it’s mess and mistakes

    Celebrated inventor Dean Kamen (best known recently for his creation of the Segway Human Transporter, a personal transportation gyroscopic scooter) says there’s no magic in invention, just mess: “It’s not some fundamental…