Tag / software

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  • Alfred App

    Downloaded Alfred from the Mac App Store and really enjoying it. Alfred is a productivity application for Mac OS X, which aims to save you time in searching your local computer and the…

  • Mac App Store Launches

    Apple launches the Mac App Store. The store comes as part of the OSX update to 10.6.6.  I’m on vacation for a few days and the OS update took a crazy 3…

  • iTunes 9.0 App Management

    Finally! The new iTunes 9.0 has an app manager. It’s fairly easy to use but as Steve Rhodes pointed out on my Flickr page, “it is a pain if you want to…

  • Snow Leopard: Smaller, Faster, Better

    The Apple and tech blogs have been buzzing with this week’s early arrival of Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard, available this Friday, August 28, 2009. We’ve already pre-ordered our family pack…

  • iPhone 2.0.1

    The new update came out earlier today. I tweeted it, but I’ve been busy with work all day and night. I’m just getting to updating my phone now. If you’ve updated, have…

  • iPhone 2.0

    Couldn’t wait to update to 2.0 so I found it and installed iPhone1,2_2.0_5A347_Restore.ipsw  the night before the official release :)

  • Why I Use Social Software

    Recent posts have been expressing why people don’t like using social software, or believe it’s just a passing fad. Since I disagree, I’ve made a short list of why I do use…

  • Besuku ajax flickr gallery

    It’s late Saturday night (okay, it’s Sunday morning… I’m in denial) and I’ve been experimenting with various image galleries. Tonight’s new find is the Besuku ajax flickr gallery, a very elegant image…

  • Jalenack’s Ajax Periodic Table of Elements

    I’ve been wanting a new way to have a grid of thumbnails that pop-up larger images.  While I like the functionality of my blog photo gallery, it’s not as seamless to click…

  • Movable Type 3.2 Released

    Movable Type 3.2 was released this morning by the team at Six Apart.  The new release has a wealth of features designed to make blogging even easier and smarter. Max and I…

  • Pingoat rocks

    I’ve been looking at ways to increase blog traffic and I’ll be posting more about the services and various techniques I’m using, but for now, you’ve got to try pingoat, a great…

  • Open source

    MIT Technology Review has a story, The Tech Boom 2.0, that covers a point of view that I couldn’t agree with more.  I often use open-source software to develop high-end, robust, and…

  • Choosing Blogging Software

    A recent article by Susannah Gardner in the USC Annenberg Online Journalism Review titled “Time to Check: Are you using the right blogging tool?” is a great starting point if you’re new…

  • How much does a college or university blog really cost?

    If you’re a school that wants to start a blog for reasons of recruitment, communication, academic voice, strategic planning, or community-buiding, but you’ve been hesitant to, I feel your pain.  I used…

  • Organize Your Brain, Then Share It

    As big fans of Basecamp, we were excited to try out 37signals‘ personal information manager, Backpack.  A lot of applications have claimed to be online organizers, but Backpack is the first web…

  • Nanofestival

    Nanofestival v.01 is a international, no-budget, on-line art festival for extreme short (!max. 10 sec.!) web movies and software art.  The event is organized by ZEROGLAB, an independent digital art-lab in Rotterdam.…