Tag / urban

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  • Qube Sign

    Wicked car-as-sign.

  • Wall on Harrison St.

  • Barcode Building

    I’ve always like the simplicity and functionality of bar codes.  In art school, I made a series of oversized bar code prints as rough posters and had a collection of various bar…

  • SF Night

    Night time traffic on the interstate as seen from our window. Even after a year, this scene still fascinates me. Any hour of the day or night, endless cars stream across several…

  • Side Streets

  • Midnight Stop

    Cop pulling over a car eleven stories down.

  • 99 Windows

    Launched a new site today, 99 Windows, an art project about windows and the idea of looking in, looking through, and reflecting — seeing both the imaginary and the real, the periphery…

  • First Night in SF

    We’ve finally moved from New York to San Francisco.  It’s the first night in the loft and we’re soaking in the magic from our eleventh floor view.  It’s almost the same view…

  • Exhibition Compostela

    5th March – 30th May, 2004 Centro Galego de Art Contemporanea (CGAC) Rua Ramon del Valle Inclan, s/n 15704 Santiago de Compostela Spain “Compostela is an exhibition which has been organized around…

  • Blackout Blog

    Power is back up in Ithaca, NY.  Check this link for blackout coverage on the web.  Yesterday, our power cut out at 4:11 pm like many on the east coast.  I was…

  • Putrajaya

    Really interesting to see how Malaysia is evolving from when I lived there in the nineties. Malaysia is building a 21st century city from scratch with natural environmental and digital vision. Malaysia…