Category / Creating

Personal art and design. Client work is at Ideacodes.

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  • Drawing By Finger

    First drawing on iPad.

  • Sketching

  • On the Go

    I’ve been tweaking the design of my site behind the scenes for the last few weeks and made the changes live tonight. Of course, there will be continuous tweaks, but I feel…

  • Spore Creature

    Made my first creature tonight using the just-released Spore Creature Creator. I wanted to go for a cute creature and preferably a herbivore. Since it’s a trial, there are limited samples for…

  • In Wordle’s View

    I copied everything off my site’s about page and wordled it.

  • Interaction Concept Design

  • Enviromunny

    Spent the day painting these custom Kidrobot munny pieces.

  • PicoCool: Cool Content from Real People

    After spending the last two years as eHub, obsessively profiling and trying out almost every web application that’s come out, I’ve decided to try something different from a new perspective. I just…

  • eHub Announces New Editors

    As most of you know, I’ve been flying solo on eHub since it launched as the first Web 2.0 list back in Oct 2005. It’s been a thrill and both personally and…

  • “Breakthrough” – A Photo Exhibit

    The San Francisco Art Commission (SFAC) and JPG Magazine have teamed up for a show called “Breakthrough: An Amateur Photography Revolution.” Every photo submitted to our Breakthrough theme will be displayed in…

  • Twitterverse Launches

    Ideacodes is pleased to launch our first release of Twitterverse, a mashup and a visualization layer that mines and archives the public timeline of Twitter and provides a visualization of the most…

  • My Data Stream

    After a year and a half of using social applications heavily, I recently had to revisit the plan to aggregate all my activity into one data stream. As the calendar rolled to…

  • Happy One Year, Four Months

    September 4th was the one year anniversary of this blog, but I’ve been too busy (!) to stop and ponder the significance of it until tonight. While I’ve had many blogs before,…

  • Vox Launches

    Vox, Six Apart’s new blog service, launched on Oct 26. Vox puts the emphasis on personal blogging and sharing with friends and family. It features advanced privacy controls, a stunning variety of…

  • eHub Interviews Launches

    eHub Interviews launches featuring four interviews with creators of web 2.0 applications, including Writely, Protopage, CommunityWalk, CentralDesktop. New interviews will be launching daily at eHub Interviews. Stay tuned for interviews with Netvibes,…

  • eHub: Ajax, Ruby, Web 2.0 resource list

    eHub is a constantly updated list of web applications, services, resources, blogs or sites with a focus on next generation web (web 2.0), social software, blogging, Ajax, location mapping, open source, folksonomy,…

  • Launches

    I’ve been keeping my life online at for a long time now, but I’ve decided to return artcodes to its roots as a place for my art experiments and personal life.…

  • 080105 Desktop

    Some things are just liberating for all the right reasons (like working on your own websites).

  • BeingEDU

    I’m now writing about more strategic and web related issues over at a new Ideacodes blog,  Being EDU™ is a weblog about strategic web design and development for college and university…

  • Ideacodes is Born

    Sometimes the least likely event turns out to be a blessing in disguise.  That’s how I’ve been feeling lately.  I’m no longer working for the marketing consulting company for higher education where…

  • 99 Windows

    Launched a new site today, 99 Windows, an art project about windows and the idea of looking in, looking through, and reflecting — seeing both the imaginary and the real, the periphery…

  • Night Poem

    A night poem for my mom.

  • ePunk

  • humanblog

    #hello world# Bought today for a new project, a community moblog of portraits (of oneself and others).  Coming soon!

  • Cadence

    It doesn’t take long to feel the city’s rhythm.  Shot in Toronto.

  • Zoom Toronto

    Always speeding around Toronto hearing electronica in the car, the clothing stores, restaurants and cafes; the beat thumping beneath it all.

  • Subliminal day

    A poem for TO.

  • ADD is a weblog finalist in SXSW!

    Honored to find out that ADD has been chosen as a finalist in the weblog category for SXSW 2004! Can’t wait to go to the event in March.

  • Welcome to V4

    Restructured the information architecture of the site, moved studio projects into a gallery and added work from 1996 – 2003, an ongoing process as you can imagine.  Enjoy exploring.

  • Sublime

    Web promo and inspiration piece for an outdoor content website. (Flash stream, 5 mb)