Category / Writing

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  • My First Citizen/Social Media Inauguration

    Yesterday’s inauguration of President Barack Obama was significant in so many ways. For web geeks like me, it’s the first time citizen media played such a significant role during an inauguration. Given…

  • QuadCamera: Continuous Shooting With your iPhone Camera

    QuadCamera is the the 4th release by Art&Mobile of their ToyCamera series and features continuous shooting. Just press the button, and it takes 4-8 serial shots to create one image in multiple…

  • Creating Panoramic Photos With Your iPhone

    One of the main reasons I use my iPhone is to take quick photos. Even though the 2 megapixel camera isn’t the highest quality, it’s the convenience and added iPhone functionality (eg.…

  • QR Codes: Mobile Tagging

    I’ve heard about QR codes for years and Googled for them long ago before they were readily available for consumers, but for some reason tonight, they popped into my mind again and…

  • WordCamp 2008

    WordCamp is a one day event organized by the creators of WordPress for users and developers. This year’s event was held on Saturday at Mission Bay Conference center and featured talks by…

  • iPhone 2.0.1

    The new update came out earlier today. I tweeted it, but I’ve been busy with work all day and night. I’m just getting to updating my phone now. If you’ve updated, have…

  • Female Bloggers

    I wanted to take a moment and thank the following bloggers and sites for including me in their recent lists of top/favorite female bloggers. I don’t tend to pay the most attention…

  • Free Trial for Paid iPhone Apps

    I twittered, “shouldn’t there be a free trial period for paid iphone apps?” Twitter stream response:

  • Spore Creature

    Made my first creature tonight using the just-released Spore Creature Creator. I wanted to go for a cute creature and preferably a herbivore. Since it’s a trial, there are limited samples for…

  • I’m Goosh-ing

    I came across yesterday through someone’s tweet and I’m in love. Goosh, a “UNIX-like command-line interface for Google,” combines the search functionality of Google with the simplicity of command line. It…

  • News Flow

    UPDATE 6/3: Akan from Plurk comments below that Plurk was NOT acquired by Pheltup. Tonight browsing Plurk, I saw heyitskenn’s plurk about the service being acquired by Pheltup I had first heard…

  • Web 2.0 Expo, San Francisco, 2008

    I really enjoyed O’Reilly’s Web 2.0 Expo this year, which took place in San Francisco on April 22-25. The Expo is a companion event to the Web 2.0 Summit, and “an expanded,…

  • New Interface Paradigms

    It still strikes me as fascinating that the iPhone and the OLPC (or XO) laptop were both released in the last year, and yet they’re such radically different “computing” and communication devices…

  • Now Your Plants Can Call or Twitter You

    Botanicalls is a project by students at the NYU Interactive Telecommunications Program. It’s “a system that was developed to allow plants to place phone calls for human help. When a plant on…

  • Young Women Driving the Social Web

    In an article at the NY Times last week, the writer states that “research shows that among the youngest Internet users, the primary creators of Web content (blogs, graphics, photographs, Web sites)…

  • Super Tuesday Online

    I always get excited when it’s an election year, but particularly this one because it’s been eight long years. Two web projects related to the U.S. election caught my attention today. First,…

  • Lifestream to APML

    A few weeks ago, I added a link to my APML (Attention Profiling Markup Language) on the side of my about page thanks to Chris Saad, Co-founder and CEO of Faraday Media,…

  • Social Design Strategies Panel at SXSW 2008

    I’m pleased to let you know that Max Kiesler and my proposed SXSW panel, Social Design Strategies, has been selected for SXSW 2008. Thanks to everyone who voted using the panel picker.…

  • PicoCool: Cool Content from Real People

    After spending the last two years as eHub, obsessively profiling and trying out almost every web application that’s come out, I’ve decided to try something different from a new perspective. I just…

  • T-shirt Microblogging Mashup

    Reactee has mashed-up it’s services with Twitter to create a great hybrid of two services that I already like independently. Reactee has created an easy way to make your own t-shirts customized…

  • Purging Drafts Into Pico Posts

    Ever since I started using Twitter, Tumblr, and Stikkit, it seems I haven’t been able to finish a blog post. Instead, I’m just Twittering, collecting, reading, posting: generally zipping through the electronic…

  • Robot Sculptures

    Gordon Bennett makes robot sculptures out of old and new found objects.  “The parts are found in various places including garbage dumps, basements, construction sites, and garage sales. They are inspired by…

  • Twitterverse Launches

    Ideacodes is pleased to launch our first release of Twitterverse, a mashup and a visualization layer that mines and archives the public timeline of Twitter and provides a visualization of the most…

  • Flickr Turns 3

    It’s hard to believe Flickr has only been around for a few years. It seems like I’ve been using it much, much longer than three years. That’s testament to its lure, success,…

  • Thoughtful Reduction and the Miniaturization of Expression

    As I was designing for a client web application today, I kept living through John Maeda’s first law of simplicity: thoughtful reduction. The goal was to design a new comments system for…

  • My OS Doesn’t Work Like My Mind

    I’m still thinking about simplicity/minimalism vs. experiential and emotional experiences. If memory is strongly attributed to adrenaline, then shouldn’t we design for optimal emotional attachment? Or, do we design so it’s “so…

  • My Data Stream

    After a year and a half of using social applications heavily, I recently had to revisit the plan to aggregate all my activity into one data stream. As the calendar rolled to…

  • Self-Sousveillance

    I came across this post while looking for information on attention recording and one of the paragraphs regarding self-documentary really resonated with me. Greg Yardley writes: I’m also running the Attention Recorder…

  • SXSW Interactive Panel

    A few months ago I was asked by Tom Markiewicz, CEO of EvolvePoint, to be on a panel about “Using RSS for Marketing” for the SXSW Interactive Conference coming up March 9-13…

  • Women 2.0 Entrepreneurship

    I was glad to see two interesting initiatives this week related to women and girls in technology. The first was Entrepreneurial Night by Girls’ Middle School in Mountain View and held at…